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All change at Devonport Services Angling Association!
Devonport Services Angling Association which was run primarily for Serving and Ex Serving Members of the Royal Navy, followed by all HM Forces (Serving or Ex-serving) is currently undergoing major changes.
To this effect the Association is updating due to the shrinking of HM Forces and the fact that at this time more Ex-serving than serving members are controlling the Association which should have been the other way around. Currently the Ex-serving members do not have any voting rights and this needed to be changed.
During this transitional year it has been decided to call the Association by the new name of “Devonport Services Coarse Angling Association”.
The Association is open to the following : Serving and Ex serving members of HM Forces including Civil Service, the Police Force , Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service, MOD and support to HM Forces. All must complete an application form and submit it with fees to the Hon Sec DSCAA.
Family Memberships are also available to the Spouse and Children (under the age of 18) subject to completing an application form.
The Association has on offer Two Coarse Lakes near Hemerdon/Sparkwell, Plymouth. The Lakes contain the following:
Carp, Crucian, Roach, Rudd, Chubb, Ide, Tench, Bream, Perch, Gold Fish, Koi Carp.Eels.
The Carp run to a very good size and are in pristine condition. Crucian Carp were stocked a few years ago and have grown fantastically with members delighted to catch such a lovely bar of Gold. Roach run to a couple of pound but are the more elusive species with the Rudd excelling at every time one casts out.
Chubb and Ide are also in good weights and are mostly ore active in the colder weather. Bream come to approx 2lb but there are larger.
Tench, were stocked a few years ago with some now running over the couple of pound mark.
Perch have been known to be close to a record weight and again are quite allusive to catch considering there is a huge amount of feed in the lakes via the millions of Fry each year.
Some years ago we found that un-stocked brown Goldfish were showing and they are still there today.
There are a few Koi which also have been put in un controlled by the Association and are active still.
It has been occasionally been known for a member to catch Eels up to 4lb and over. Not everyone’s Cup of Tea we know but they are a natural event.
Membership Forms can be obtained from the Hon Sec via email at :
[email protected] or contact:
Mr. Vic Barnett, Hon Sec DSCAA on 07710552910