Fishing Information: Fishing Events Advice and Articles

The Fishing articles below provide information and contact details for Angling Associations, Charities and Angling bodies

Not all are specific to Game, Coarse or Sea Fishing. All the clubs and associations cover our South West region - an area which includes Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and a small part of Hampshire. We are keen to promote Angling events within our region. If you have an event or article you would like considered for publication on our website please email [email protected] along with your contact details.

South West Fly Fair 2025 takes place at Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February.  Come along and have a go at Fly tying with help from experts   

Enjoy a 10% season ticket discount for all attendees 

Food and drink available from the onsite Cafe

A fantastic day out for all the... Read more

South West Lakes Trust | January 23 2025 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

The annual South West Fly Fair takes place at Roadford Lake, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0RL on Sunday 26 February 2023 from 10am ~ 4pm


... Read more

South West Lakes | February 21 2023 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Even the most professional and experienced of anglers must admit to there being a large degree of luck involved in the sport.

Perhaps luck isn't the right word, it's more 'unpredictability'. I'm sure most have caught a species or size of fish which was completely unexpected at the time. This has to be one of the attractions of the sport. The anticipation when watching the... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Every year we seek a stunning cover picture. We plan it meticulously and it's a great excuse to go fishing. But it doesn't always work!
This year it was a two man, all night carp expedition to local water Clawford Vineyard. November is not my favourite month and I actually cancelled the trip on the preceding weekend due to forecasted `hurricanes' which didn't arrive on the night in... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Tom Carter - 5lb Avon Bream

The Hampshire Avon

The Hampshire Avon rises in the Vale of Pewsey and, with its tributaries the Bourne and Wylye, drains the chalk of Salisbury plain. The River Nadder, which is joined by the Wylye near Salisbury... Read more

Steve Carter | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Any bites Josh?

Josh, you OK?


Josh was asleep.

Well, it was just past midnight and he'd never been up that late before.
How many of you have experienced taking one of your children on their first 'all nighter'? How was it for you? for me it was hugely enjoyable, a mixture of pride and... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Fishing with Club Brunel - Cornwall
Vic Barnett | February 1 2022 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
