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Holworthy Farmhouse Accommodation, Exmoor - Somerset
- Somerset
Holworthy Farm
Lower Holworthy Farm
Brompton Regis
TA22 9NY
Dulverton, Somerset
01398 371244
~ Perfect place to stay on the banks of Wimbleball Lake, Exmoor - Somerset ~
~ Perfect place to stay on the banks of Wimbleball Lake, Exmoor - Somerset ~
Gillian has been offering accommodation in our farmhouse for over 40 years. The farm is a 200-acre livestock farm on the banks of Wimbleball Lake, which was created in 1997 situated in the heart of Exmoor, Somerset. The lake is stocked with rainbow trout and has natural brown trout. There is a foot path down to the lake, so Cowmoor is easy to fish.
We have a gutting sink and a freezer for fish. We have 5 twin rooms 2 can be double bedded, all ensuite and overlooking the lake. Bed and breakfast and dinner optional. Do look at the web site to see more
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